Does Freezing A Candle Make It Burn Longer?

freezing candle extends burn

Did you know that there’s a widespread belief that freezing a candle can make it burn longer? It may sound counterintuitive, but some people swear by this method.

However, before you rush to put your candles in the freezer, you should know a few things. Freezing a candle can cause wax issues, leading to cracking and a compromised burn.

So, does freezing a candle really extend its burn time? Stay tuned to find out the truth behind this common myth and whether it’s worth trying.

Key Takeaways

  • Freezing candles do not noticeably extend their burn time.
  • Freezing can cause wax to crack, affecting the quality of the burn.
  • The composition of wax, the size and shape of the candle, and the presence of additives or fragrances can also impact burn time.
  • Proper storage in a cool, dark space is recommended to maintain the quality of candles.

The Science Behind Freezing Candles

Freezing candles alters their physical properties and can affect their burn rate. The science behind freezing candles lies in the changes that occur to the wax and the wick when exposed to low temperatures.

When a candle is frozen, the wax becomes more dense and solidifies, resulting in a slower burn rate. This is because the frozen wax takes longer to melt and be drawn up the wick. Additionally, the low temperature affects the wick by making it more rigid, which can hinder the capillary action that allows the wax to be drawn up and fuel the flame.

In an experiment conducted to investigate the effect of freezing candles on burn time, candles were placed in a freezer at a temperature of -18°C for several hours before being lit. The results showed that the frozen candles burned for a longer duration compared to their unfrozen counterparts. This can be attributed to the slower rate at which the frozen wax melts and the reduced efficiency of the wick in drawing up the fuel.

Understanding the science behind freezing candles can be helpful in certain situations. For example, if you need a candle to burn for a longer period, freezing it beforehand may be a viable option. However, it’s important to note that freezing candles may also affect the quality of the flame, potentially producing a dimmer and less steady light.

Factors Affecting Candle Burn Time

influences on candle duration

Factors that can affect the burn time of a candle include:

  • The composition of the wax
  • The size and shape of the candle
  • The presence of additives or fragrances
  • The conditions in which the candle is burned

While freezing candles before lighting them may seem like a potential strategy for achieving a longer burn time, the experiment conducted showed that it didn’t noticeably extend the burn time. This is because the radiant heat of the flame quickly warms up the frozen candle, negating any potential impact of freezing on burn time.

To maximize the burn time of a candle, it’s recommended to trim the wicks to a quarter of an inch before lighting them. This helps to ensure a clean and even burn. Furthermore, proper storage in a cool, dark space is important for maintaining the quality and longevity of scented candles, as freezing can potentially affect the potency of the scent.

Does Freezing Wax Really Slow Down Burning?

freezing wax slows burning

To further explore the impact of freezing on candle burn time, it’s important to examine whether freezing wax truly slows down the burning process. While it’s commonly believed that freezing candles can lead to a longer burn time, an experiment conducted by Keystone Candle Company suggests otherwise.

In their experiment, Keystone Candle Company froze a candle and compared its burn time to that of a non-frozen candle. Surprisingly, they found that freezing the candle didn’t result in a longer burn time. This contradicts the popular notion that freezing wax slows down the burning process and extends the lifespan of a candle.

One possible explanation for this result is the impact of freezing on the structural integrity of the wax.  Cracks may develop and affect the way the wax melts and can potentially disrupt the burning process.

Furthermore, freezing candles can also affect the scent of scented candles. The temperature changes can alter the fragrance compounds in the wax, leading to a diminished or altered scent when the candle is burned.

Therefore, while freezing wax may seem like a strategy to extend burn time, it’s important to consider the potential negative effects on the candle’s structure and scent. Proper storage in a cool, dark space can help maintain the quality and longevity of candles without the need for freezing.

The Experiment: Freezing Vs. Non-Freezing Candles

comparing freezing and non freezing candles

The experiment comparing freezing and non-freezing candles yielded surprising results. Here are the findings:

  1. Identical candles: The experiment used candles that were identical in size, shape, and composition, ensuring a fair comparison between the freezing and non-freezing candles.
  2. Temperature difference: One candle was stored at a temperature of 33°F, while the other was kept at room temperature. This temperature difference allowed for a comparison of the effects of freezing on the burn time.
  3. Similar burn times: After two hours of burning, both candles displayed similar burn times. This result suggests that freezing the candle didn’t lead to a longer burn time as previously believed.
  4. Wax quality: Freezing candles can cause the wax to crack due to temperature shifts. This cracking can affect the quality of the burn and potentially reduce the overall burn time.

Based on this experiment, it can be concluded that freezing candles doesn’t make them burn longer. In fact, it may even hurt the burn quality. To maintain candle quality and longevity, it’s recommended to store them in a cool, dark space rather than freezing them.

Debunking the Myth: Does Freezing Candles Extend Burn Time?

freezing candles does not extend burn time

After debunking the belief that freezing candles extends their burn time, it’s important to examine the factors contributing to this myth.

Freezing a candle doesn’t make it burn longer because the freezing process does not impact its ability to burn. The experiment involved comparing frozen and room-temperature candles that were identical in weight and wax temperature. The results showed that there was no significant difference in burn time between the two groups.

The myth likely originated from the misconception that cooling the candle would slow down the burning process and therefore make it last longer. However, the temperature at which a candle burns is much higher than the freezing point of water, so freezing the candle doesn’t have any effect on its burn time.

To maximize the burn time of a candle, it’s more effective to trim the wicks to the appropriate length before lighting them. This helps to create a clean and steady flame, allowing the candle to burn evenly and for a longer duration.

Storing unused candles in a cool, dark space can also help maintain their quality and longevity.


In conclusion, freezing a candle doesn’t make it burn longer. Despite the popular belief that freezing candles slows down the burning process, no scientific evidence supports this claim.

Factors such as the type of wax, wick, and ambient temperature have a greater impact on the burn time of a candle. It’s best to store candles in a cool, dark space to maintain their quality and longevity.