Why Do My Candles Burn So Quickly? 6 Tips to Make Your Candles Last Longer

Why Does My Candle Burn So Fast?

Ever felt like your candles just disappeared in a flash? Candles have been lighting up our lives for centuries. From ancient rituals to modern-day spas, these glowing wonders have always held a special place in our hearts. Today, many people use candles to create a cozy and relaxing atmosphere. But there’s nothing more frustrating than lighting up a new candle only to see it vanish before you’ve had the chance to fully enjoy it. Did you know that the average candle burns about 1 inch per hour? That means your 6-inch candle could be gone in just 6 hours! Let’s dive in and discover why some candles seem to burn out faster than others.

The Basics of Candle Burning

Candles seem simple: a wick, some wax, and a flame. But there’s a lot more going on. When you light a candle, the heat of the flame melts the wax near the wick. This liquid wax is drawn up the wick, where the heat turns it into a vapor. As the vapor mixes with oxygen, it ignites and forms a flame. Ideally, different candles have different burn times, but many factors can influence this.

Factors That Speed Up Candle Burning

Candle Composition

Different candles are made of different materials, and this can affect how fast they burn. Softer waxes, like soy wax, often burn faster than harder and longer-lasting candle waxes, like beeswax or paraffin wax. Also, some candles have fragrance oils added to them. While these oils can make your room smell lovely, they can also cause your candle to burn more quickly.

Wick Size and Material

Not all wicks are created equal! The size and type of wick used in a candle play a massive role in its burn rate. Larger wicks can produce a bigger flame, making your candle melt faster. The material and construction of the wick can also influence how quickly a candle burns. For example, twisted wicks burn faster than braided wicks because their loose construction causes the flame to more quickly reach the wax.

Ambient Environment

Where you place your candle can make a difference. If your candle is in a warm room or near a drafty window, it might burn faster. Wind or drafts can make the flame flicker and increase the burn rate.

The Temperature of Your Candle

The first time you light a candle is essential. It’s crucial to let it burn long enough so the whole top layer of wax becomes liquid. This can prevent “tunneling,” where only the middle part of the candle melts. When this happens, the wick is unimpeded by wax, and it can burn down even more quickly.

Candle Maintenance

Taking care of your candle can help it last longer. Regularly trimming the wick can prevent a big, smoky flame that burns too hot and too fast. Also, cleaning out any debris or old wick pieces can help, as can making sure your candles cool completely between uses.

Candle Quality and Pricing

Sometimes, you get what you pay for. Cheaply-made candles might not burn as long as higher-quality ones. But this isn’t always true. Some pricey candles can burn quickly if they’re not made well or if they have lots of added fragrances.

Tips to Make Your Candles Last Longer

  • Proper Storage:
    • Store your candles in a cool, dark place to prevent premature softening of the wax.
  • Burn Time Recommendations:
    • Limit burning to just a few hours at a time to prevent excessive melting and tunneling.
  • Using Candle Accessories:
    • Utilize candle snuffers to extinguish flames without excessive smoke.
    • Use lids or shades to protect the candle’s surface and keep out dust.
  • Avoiding Drafty Areas:
    • Place candles away from open windows, fans, or vents to ensure a steady flame for even burning.
  • Rotating Candles:
    • Rotate your candle usage to give each one a break, potentially prolonging their lives.

Myths and Misconceptions about Candle Burning

There are many myths about candles. For example, some people think that putting them in the freezer makes them last longer (it doesn’t!). It’s essential to understand the truth about candles to help them burn best.

Environmental Impact of Fast Burning Candles

Fast-burning candles might mean you’re buying and throwing away candles more often, which can be bad for the environment. If you’re eco-conscious (or wallet-conscious!), opting for slower-burning candles can make a small impact for the better. Slow-burning candles not only last longer but also reduce the frequency of purchases, resulting in less waste and a smaller carbon footprint.

By choosing candles made from sustainable materials such as soy or beeswax, you can further reduce the environmental impact.  Making this simple switch can demonstrate your commitment to a greener lifestyle while also saving you money in the long run. 

Enjoy Your New Long-Lasting Candle!

Candles bring warmth, light, and coziness to our lives. But if your candle is burning too fast, it can be disappointing. By understanding the factors that affect how a candle burns and following some simple tips, you can make the most of your candles. So, light up, relax, and enjoy the glow a little longer.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Are there any safety concerns when using candles that burn quickly?

Absolutely! Quick-burning candles can produce larger flames, which might be riskier. Always keep candles away from things that can catch fire, and never leave them unattended.

Does the container affect the burn rate of a candle?

Yes, it can. Metal or ceramic holders might make the candle burn faster, while glass can slow it down.

Do certain fragrances make a candle burn faster?

Some fragrances can speed up the burn rate. It’s essential to choose candles that are made well and have slower-burning fragrances if you want them to last.

How can I find out a wax’s melt point?

The melting point is the temperature at which wax turns from solid to liquid. Higher melt points often mean slower-burning candles. You can ask the manufacturer or check the label.

Are there other ways to enjoy candles without them burning so fast?

Yes! Consider LED candles or wax warmers. They give the ambiance of a candle without the flame.