How to Make Votive Candles at Home: Your DIY Votive Candle Guide

Are you ready to add a touch of warmth and ambiance to your space? Discover the art of crafting your very own votive candles! In this informative guide, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of making votive candles at home. Whether you’re a seasoned candle enthusiast or a complete beginner, you’ll find this DIY candle making project both fun and rewarding. So, roll up your sleeves, gather your supplies, and let’s dive into the world of votive candle making!

How to Make Votive Candles at Home: Key Takeaways

  • Votive candles, used for lighting and fragrance, fully liquefy when burning and are popular in religious and decorative settings.
  • Essential votive candle-making supplies include wax, molds, wicks, thermometer, dye, fragrance oils, and a double boiler. Protective and utility tools are also important.
  • A 50% beeswax and 50% soy wax blend is ideal for votive candles, offering natural scent, longer burn time, and environmental friendliness.
  • Making votive candles involves preparing materials, melting wax with fragrance and color, pouring, and setting. Precision and patience are crucial.
  • Post-cooling, candles are removed from molds and wicks are installed. Refrigeration can help with mold release, and proper wick trimming is necessary.
  • Final steps include using approved holders, attaching safety labels, and following safety rules. This ensures safe and enjoyable use of handmade candles.

What is a Votive Candle?

Votive candles are small, cylindrical candles with a flared top typically used to add ambient light and fragrance to a space. Unlike pillar candles, votives are designed to liquefy completely while burning, making them ideal for use in small, heat-resistant containers. These candles are often used in religious ceremonies, meditation practices, or simply for decorative purposes in homes. With their compact size, votive candles provide a unique opportunity for personalization in both scent and color, making them popular choices for DIY candle-making projects.

Gathering Votive Candle Making Supplies

In addition to wax and wicks, several other supplies are needed for votive candle making:

  • A thermometer to monitor wax temperature.
  • Candle dye for color customization.
  • Fragrance oils to add scent.
  • A double boiler for melting the wax.
  • Stirring utensils, such as a metal spoon or stir stick.
  • Butcher paper or newspaper to protect your workspace.
  • Paper towels for cleanup.
  • A votive candle mold.
  • (Optional) Mold-release spray for your candle mold.
  • Utility knife and wick trimmers for cutting wax and trimming wicks.
  • A wick pin to create a space in the mold for the wick.

Votive candles are made using candle molds, so having a good metal mold for your votive candle is essential to the end result of your homemade craft.

Choosing the Right Candle Wax: Beeswax and Soy Wax

When it comes to making votive candles, the choice of wax is pivotal. Beeswax, known for its natural, subtle honey scent, offers a longer burn time due to its higher melting point compared to other waxes. On the other hand, soy wax, a renewable and biodegradable option, is preferred for its clean and even burn, making it environmentally friendly. A blend of 50% beeswax and 50% soy wax is often recommended for votive candles. This combination not only ensures a longer burn time but also enhances scent throw, both when the candle is lit and unlit. Beeswax’s higher melting point of approximately 145°F (63°C) complements soy wax’s lower melting point of around 120°F (49°C), creating a balance that is ideal for votive candles.

Some brands make candle wax specifically designed for votive candles. These wax blends prioritize a glossy finish and good mold release, making them easier to work with to get a high-quality result.

How to Make Votive Candles: Step-By-Step Candle Making Process

Making votive candles is a great way to enhance your candle-making skills! Here are all of the steps to make votive candles, from melting wax to adding the finishing touches. Let’s get started on creating your own beautiful candles.

Gathering and Preparing Materials

Before diving into the votive creation process, it is crucial to meticulously gather and prepare the necessary materials to ensure a smooth and successful operation.

  • Start by clearing your work area to minimize distractions and mishaps.
  • Next, accurately weigh your votive candle wax, fragrance of choice, and any color you wish to include.
  • Carefully prepare the votive molds: ensure they are clean by wiping with rubbing alcohol and center a votive wick pin in each one.

This stage also involves the selection of the appropriate color for your candles. Break off the desired amount of dye, ready for the melting process.

Melting Wax and Incorporating Fragrance

Once your supplies are appropriately prepared, the next critical step involves melting your candle wax and incorporating your colors and fragrance oil.

This process is undertaken in a double boiler, a hot plate, or a candle wax melter, ensuring the wax is completely liquefied. You then incorporate the fragrance oil when the wax’s temperature reaches 185ºF (85°C), stirring gently for two minutes.

This ensures the aroma permeates the wax evenly, creating a consistent scent throughout your votive candles. The timely addition of the fragrance oil and careful stirring is critical for achieving an optimal blend.

This process marries your chosen scent with the colorant and wax, crafting a sensory experience that will enchant your senses every time you light your handmade votive.

Pouring and Setting the Wax

Having successfully melted the wax and infused it with fragrance, the next step involves accurately pouring the liquid wax into the prepared votive molds and allowing it to set. This process, although seemingly simple, requires precision and patience.

The key points to remember are:

  • Pour the melted wax up to the lip of each votive mold, ensuring an even distribution.
  • Allow the wax to cool and solidify, which typically takes a few hours. During this time, avoid disturbing the molds to ensure a smooth finish.
  • Upon solidification, there may be sinkholes. These can be filled by reheating the remaining wax and topping up the votives.

These steps ensure a flawless votive, ready for the final stages of creation.

Releasing Votives From Their Molds and Installing Wicks

After the votives have completely cooled and solidified, the next crucial step is to carefully remove them from their candle molds and install the wicks. This process calls for delicacy to maintain the integrity of the votive. If the votive doesn’t release effortlessly, refrigerate for a short while to enable the wax to contract, facilitating easier removal.

Once the votive is removed, it’s time to install the wick. Replace the wick pin with a pretabbed wick. Carefully trim the wick to about 1/4 inch (6 mm) for optimal burning.

Final Touches and Candle Safety

With the votive now skillfully removed from its mold and the wick trimmed to the proper length, we turn our attention towards the final touches and the crucial aspect of candle safety.

The final touches to your votive creation involve more than just aesthetic appeal. They also involve ensuring a safe and enjoyable candle-burning experience.

  • Always place your handmade votives in approved holders. These are designed to contain the wax and heat efficiently.
  • Affix a warning label to the bottom of each votive holder. This informs users of safety precautions and potential hazards.
  • Lastly, adhere to all candle burning safety rules. These include never leaving a burning candle unattended, keeping it out of reach of children and pets, and ensuring the candle is extinguished before leaving the room.

Embrace the Glow: Craft Your Votive Candles Today

In conclusion, crafting your own votive candles is a delightful and creative endeavor that allows you to infuse your space with the gentle glow of homemade warmth. By following our comprehensive guide, you’ve learned the essential steps to create these beautiful candles from scratch. Now, you can experiment with various scents, colors, and molds to craft unique votive candles that will illuminate your surroundings and set the perfect mood. So, get started on this fulfilling DIY journey and enjoy the enchanting world of votive candle making.

Making Votive Candles: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How do I prepare metal votive molds for candle making?

Lightly spray the molds with mold release spray and wipe off excess with a paper towel.

What temperature should wax be for adding color and fragrance?

Add dye and fragrance when the wax is between 160°F and 170°F (71°C to 77°C).

How long does it take for votive candles to set?

It typically takes several hours for votive candles to cool and set completely.

What Are Some Tips for Troubleshooting if the Votive Candles Don’t Come Out of the Molds Easily?

If votive candles do not easily release from the molds, refrigeration can help the wax contract. If issues persist, ensure the molds are clean and the wax has completely cooled before attempting removal.

Can the Votive Candles Be Made Without Using a Wick Pin?

Yes, votive candles can be created without a wick pin. However, you will need an alternative method to create a channel for the wick, such as using a straw or skewer during the cooling phase.